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文章以中国民营企业家为研究对象,采用跨案例分析法探讨企业家伦理领导行为的内涵结构及特征,并在此基础上开发具有中国情境特点的民营企业家伦理领导行为量表。研究结果显示:受中国儒家伦理文化影响,中国民营企业家伦理领导行为包括"德性修养""集体动机"和"天下情怀"三个维度;企业家的伦理领导行为表现为"修己安人"的关系内涵,企业家自身不仅践行着较高的伦理道德标准,且将之扩展至对员工、组织行为的引导和规范;本研究开发的中国民营企业家伦理领导行为量表具有良好的信度和效度。文章丰富了西方伦理型领导理论和高阶理论研究,对中国本土企业家如何提高领导力有着重要启示。  相似文献   

This special issue originates from a transnational collaboration of scholars in philology, comparative literature, social theory, sociology, anthropology, ethnography, and media studies. The collection strives to advance a research agenda built on the nexus of three intellectual and academic domains: post-Soviet ‘Russian cultural studies’, the research paradigm put forward by Cultural Studies, as well as empirical methods developed in sociology. The collection illustrates the importance of expanding the experience of Cultural Studies beyond its established spheres of national investigation, while it also speaks to the necessity to re-evaluate the hegemony of the English-language academic and cultural production on the global scale. The collection offers insights into the gamut of cultural practices and institutional environments in which Russian cultural production happens today. It shows how cultural industries and institutions in Russia are integrated into the global marketplace and transnational communities, while they also draw on and contribute to local lives and experiences by trying to create an autonomous space for symbolic production at personal and collective levels. Through diverse topics, the issue sheds light on the agency, i.e. practitioners and participants, creators and consumers, of Russian cultural production and the neoliberal practices implemented on creative work and cultural administration in Russia today. The Introduction outlines the development of academic studies on Russian cultural practices since 1991; describes main political developments shaping the cultural field in Putin’s Russia; and, finally, identifies the Cultural Studies debates the editors of the collection find most productive for investigations of Russia, i.e. the instrumentalization of culture and culture as resource. Relocated in an analysis of a post-socialist society, these conceptualisations seem increasingly problematic in a situation where local and federal policies governing cultural and creative work focus simultaneously on marketization and on nationalism as the main tools of legitimizing the federal government.  相似文献   
The essay offers one piece of a larger conjunctural analysis, in an effort to contribute to a better story of the contemporary organic crisis. It considers three elements of the complexity of the ‘crises’ of knowledge: First, it explores the increasingly felt social perception that knowledge (and the forms of authority that accompany it) has become less determined and determining, less identifiable, less effective, more troubled. It argues that one must think about these developments historically and contextually, rather than going along with the panic that has surrounded their increasing visibility in recent political events. Second, it considers some of the attacks on the university as well as some of the recent changes in the political economy and institutional forms of the academy. Finally, it argues that academics have failed to examine their own contributions to the crises of knowledge, failed to consider the ways their own cultures and practices can be located within rather than against the crises of knowledge.  相似文献   
This paper, which is authored by members of the Japanese Association of Family Therapy (JAFT), describes the COVID‐19 pandemic in Japan from a family systems perspective. The authors are active members of JAFT and include current and past presidents and officers. We describe the course of the pandemic and the ways in which government policies to mitigate the pandemic have affected Japanese families. Challenges that affect Japanese families include the inability to participate in family and social rituals, prescribed gender roles that specifically affect women, high suicide rates, and prejudice against those who are at risk of spreading the infection. The need to shelter in place has also forced family homes to function as a workplace for parents, classrooms for children, and day care services for frail elders, which has resulted in psychological distress among individuals and conflicts among families. We discuss ways that therapists have worked with Japanese families using online therapy.  相似文献   
The following article explores the different ways art sociologists investigate art that is based in the participatory arts. The aim is to shift the empirical focus to the art practice, which speaks for itself, and to place the work of the artist and all who cooperate or collaborate in the making of the artwork at the center of sociological analysis. By allowing the artist to speak fully about their work, art sociologists can uncover new social and cultural phenomena and better understand the different motivations underlying art-making. The following literature highlights the recent tendencies in the sociology of art, explores the “social turn” in art and presents different sociologists who focus on the art practice and the art’s voice. For further development of the field, I suggest the sociology of art needs to catch-up with the recent tendencies in art by placing the empirical focus on participatory art practices that will not only give us a better understanding about the intricate actions taking place in the art making, but it will also illuminate new layers of social life that are hidden. To conclude, I suggest that sociologists engage with participatory-based artists to enhance sociology through a public sociology of art.  相似文献   
冯盈霖 《民族学刊》2021,12(11):95-104, 132
疍家是汉族的一个支系,他们依水而生,以船为家,与海水浪花相伴,浮沉于江海之上。疍家舞蹈以海水浪花的舞蹈形态、流动性的舞台调度、疍歌的曲调、精心的舞美设计,营造疍家以海为伴的生活环境,使舞蹈在悠扬婉转的乐曲中呈现出诗情画意的意境美,似一幅水上卷轴,勾画出疍家壮美开阔的人文文化,表现其以水为生、壮美开阔的海洋文化特质;以摇橹、划船、戏浪、织网、耕海等生活动作为基础,结合富有地域性和民族性特征的舞蹈道具,如竹编斗笠、长篙、梭子、槟榔等,展现疍家朴实无华、摇曳荡漾的海洋文化元素;以具有象征性的跪拜、磕头、合掌等动作元素为基础,以表意性的腾跃、双飞燕、虎跳等装饰性技巧动作为连接,展现祭拜祈福和与海难搏斗的舞段,表达疍家人海和谐、能拼会赢的海洋文化精神。  相似文献   
民族记忆既是传承民族文化基因的载体,也是彰显民族文化基因的重要文化表征。民族记忆作为延续民族历史和文化基因的内在根基,通过传承民族历史文化、建构民族身份、塑造民族形象等形式传承和彰显民族文化基因的内在特征。以瑶族为代表的少数民族文化基因是中华民族文化基因的重要组成部分,深入挖掘瑶族民族记忆中蕴含的“中华民族共同体”文化基因,并阐释其内在的价值与意义,对培育和铸牢我国各民族的“中华民族共同体”意识有着重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   
中国共产党的宪法治理经历了从根据地局部执政时期的革命宪法,新中国成立初期移植苏联宪制模式及本土化探索,到改革开放后逐步形成依宪治国与依宪执政的新局面。百年宪法治理历程曲折蹒跚,终坚定向前,经验值得弘扬。宪法治理模式的移植当慎重,宪法的权威应维护,加强党的领导和中国特色社会主义宪制创新,培育中国特色社会主义宪法文化任重道远。  相似文献   
党内政治文化作为政党文化的一个组成部分,与党的政治建设是相互联系、相互促进的。党的政治建设是发展党内政治文化的有效载体,为建设优秀党内政治文化提供必要条件和保证;党内政治文化建设是党的政治建设的根本要求,为党的政治建设提供精神支撑和价值引领。在中国特色社会主义的新时代和新征程中,我们党仍然面临着复杂的执政环境和各种影响党的先进性、弱化党的纯洁性的复杂因素。因此,必须将发展党内政治文化融入党的政治建设全过程,充分发挥党内政治文化对新时代党的政治建设的作用。  相似文献   
湖南实施乡村振兴战略面临的主要问题是:农村基础设施改善,但部分乡村旧貌未改;农田荒芜严重,土地流转不畅;种养收入低下,农产销售困难;农村二三产业发展迟缓,集体合作社模式短缺;文化设施缺乏,风俗习惯落后;老农依然辛劳,养老问题难解。带来这些问题的原因主要有:认识存在偏差,发展缺乏资金与人才,集体经济脆弱,干部责任意识不强,缺少产业支撑,乡风治理乏力。文章从实际出发,提出了一系列政策建议:转变思想观念,改变投资取向;改善乡村交通,加强基础设施;完善村居环境,实施“五改五化”;推动土地流转,培育二三产业;壮大集体经济,发展合作组织;强化党组织建设,重视选人用人。  相似文献   
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